How to Use RSS

Posted by Internet Tools

You can think of really simple syndication (RSS) as a way to build your own online newspaper, customized to your interests. Instead of checking all the web sites you're interested in one at a time for new content, your computer checks the sites for you and downloads any new content into one location for you to read. RSS feeds can also be useful if you have a web site or blog you'd like more people to visit, so you can offer readers products you're selling or increase your exposure and credibility.

Method 1 of 2: Subscribing to RSS Feeds

  1. Decide on a RSS feed reader or news aggregator program to use. There are many of these programs available on the Internet, as well as websites that review them. You may want to find a feed reader program that integrates with your web browser, email program or organizer software. 
  2. Browse the Internet for websites you're interested in following or use an RSS directory to find web sites of interest. Don't worry if you later lose interest; you can easily unsubscribe from your feed reader. 
  3. Visit the web page and look for the orange RSS button. It may appear as an orange button with a white dot and two curved lines, or an orange button that says "RSS" or "XML." Click on the button to subscribe to the RSS feed.

Method 2 of 2: Publishing with RSS Feeds

  1. Build a website or blog with information others will find useful or interesting, and update it frequently. You will attract the most followers if you add new information on a regular schedule.
  2. Insert an RSS button. Web hosts usually offer these as one of many features for your website or blog. If it isn't available from the web host, then you can download a program free of charge that will add the button to your web site as it installs



  • Many computer and software companies have RSS readers already installed, usually as part of your web browser. Search your computer's directory or type "RSS" into the help search bar to see if you already have an RSS reader.
  • Choosing an RSS feed reader program can be a daunting task. You may prefer to simply ask a friend you trust and download the program he or she recommends.
  • You may want to provide the opportunity for visitors to post your page on social networking sites. Buttons for several sites may also be available from your web host
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